Soccer game

Today I had my first soccer game.. we lost but that doesn’t matter.. I don’t know why but everything today was so exhausting so I wasn’t able to show my best..🙄 and now it’s so frustrating when you know that you haven’t pushed yourself to your maximum.. Bummer! But next time I will start to push myself harder because I know that I can do it better than I did today.. last week we had a practice game and I pushed myself so hard that when we were done I almost threw up.. that was my best game I’ve ever played. Haha but I just started so hopefully there is much more to come. I always try to think that I’m just playing with my sister in the backyard. We used to do that a lot.. maybe I was so bad today because I didn’t call with my sister to tout.. last week she was the cutest. She called me right before the game started and gave me some clues for what I have to look out and everything. 
Yes, my English got worse somehow.. my dad told me that my English here is more German than English.. I don’t know why.. hopefully this will change soon.
Now I will tell you some good news.. I made new friends with Canadians yeeeeyyyy. I still can’t believe it that I went over and asked them If i can sit with them for lunch.. 
Oh and by the way I was at a Hairdresser and said goodbye to my long hairs..wuhuuu